• Featuring Princess Alice Russia  (picture by private.com
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by sbandino
2005-12-31 00:29
Happy birthday to Lenka, she who can make any man (or rabbit) dumb(er).
by ThE eXoRcIsM Of SbanDo BOy
2005-12-30 20:07
Our friend (and spy) Gapelover introduces us to a new generation of Romanian starlets. Most of them are cute and nasty, isn't life wonderful?

Pics are from the forthcoming "Black Dicks In Fresh White Chicks" line, courtesy of those swell Sinsational cats.
by Bunny
2005-12-30 04:02
Happy Birthday to my lovely, beautiful Lenka! A quarter of a century later, the blonde wonder still captures mens' souls like butterflies rush to the flames =:o) WUF!

I can hear Sbando cringe from here :o)
by party boy
2005-12-29 01:53
DPFANATICS has been added to EBI!
Simony, Angel Dark, Eva Black. The best o' them.
by Bunny
2005-12-27 06:10

Which petite czech porn-babe with extremely large funbags has an identical TWIN SISTER... WHO IS *NOT* in the business, but works as a sales rep for a large company!?!?!

Which young blonde goddess with a neat tattoo is the current main squeeze of a photographer living in Prague? She was heard talking on and on about the big L! Who said "LOSER"? No, no, I meant "Love" of course.

Which model with hard-partying habits recently had an off-camera oral fling with an amateur photographer? And I don't mean French Kissing.

Which extremely tall mega-cute model can be seen smiling left and right at the bar in some Brno disco, waiting for nice a gentleman to treat her?

Which legendary strip club is about to close its doors in Prague, sending hundreds of babes looking for a new job?

Which extremely tall blonde leggy babe recently skinned a bunny during a weekend at Disneyland? Well ok, she only skinned part of him raw. Ah, friction friction...

Which sweet babe is waiting to have her second child before she gets implants to defy gravity a little better than nowadays?
by Bunny
2005-12-25 15:33
Don't you hate it when you learn that your favourite Eurobabe is retiring from Hardcore? That's right, another of your loved pornstars is throwing the towel in 2005. You might have read it in a forum or heard about it in the daily bunny news, but you just don't want to face reality.

Veronika de Souza, retired from porn?! Old news? Well, what if someone setup a last HC shoot with her, for posterity? For the old times' sake? And what if you could tell us what you would like her to do in that last shoot? That would be new news! YES!

Well, your wishes will come true. Drop me an email, tell me what you would want to see for her last shoot, and I'll ask a little fairy to make that happen. No, not you Sbando :0)

Photo courtesy of Katerina from Czech-babes.com, where Veronika can be seen up close and personal in her latest shoot to date.
by sbando
2005-12-23 19:18
As reported by gergõ, Maya Gold, one of our original babes, is quitting the business. Read the golden boy's article for more details and add Macho to your feed reader of choice.

Arrivederci to Maya and to all the luminous honey blondes with big blue eyes in the whole freaking world.
by sbandino
2005-12-23 01:47
-2: the countdown to Reni's birthday.

28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds: the countdown to the end of the world.

197: the times I was forced to listen to "Love Generation" since I woke up this morning.

0: the number of hours I actually slept last night.

50: the number of talentless gits in Q Magazine's 2005 Top 50.

2: the number of has-beens named Gallagher in Oasis.

76: the number of times a vbr-encoded mp3 skips with an iPod Nano.

Simony: the babe who's still gorgeous after all these years (or months).

400: the number of Russian girls listed by ebi that I'm totally clueless about.

RSS feeds: hot!

Tigr: hot! the number of women Frigo thinks are hot.

"We Are The Music Makers": what I had engraved on my iPod Nano.

"1969 In The Sunshine": what I should have had engraved on my iWood.

7: the number of people who actually know what "1969 In The Sunshine" means (and sigh).
by Nop from Prague
2005-12-22 03:58
Guys, your season greetings are nicely worded but lack a little bit of color. As I am rather of the laconic type, I asked my friend Jennifer Stone for a little help!

Merry Xmas to all!
by sbandino
2005-12-21 19:35
Some people were not mentioned FOR A REASON.
But I forgot:
Merry Xmas e Buone Feste to Ale, Carlo & Simo.

P.S.: And Riaan, fuck, my brain's fried! Thank you for your patience.

P.P.S.S.: oh, c'mon, this is getting ridiculous. Merry Christmas Marc, Chris and L.!
by bunnyrednose
2005-12-21 04:52
YAY! Uh... UH..*tap* *tap* Is this thing on? Uh, I wanna say Merry Xmas to Sbando, the wittiest wet snout this side of the universe, for his random acts of kindness...and bursts of acid reflux!

Nop, my faithful partner in crime, who's been putting up with my manic fits & wild sex drive. Aaaand also held the camera when I needed it the most

Yeah you too Frigo, my fave german pr0n dealer...

A special thought for you Beate, it'll be one year very soon already, I guess we never know when it all ends. I would've hugged you every day if I had known...

Vesele Vanoce, Zirafku :oP preju ti stastne dovoleny! Don't forget to come back from Ireland

VELKY PUSU: my Lenicka, Terezka, Sabinka, Listicka, Veronika S, Lol K.

You will never read this but I wanted to write it anyway: Lubko, jsi nejkrasnejsi holkja ve svete! JA SOM STASTNY!!

ESO PESO, Sviratko! nejsi tak zla, after all.

Normo, you homo, when are you gonna schlepp your butt across the pond? Last time I saw you was at Private Eyes on 45th & 8th... You left me with that czech blonde girl, Ingrid... :o)

and MERRY XMAS TO ALL - we're just passing by, we might as well have some fun.
by Frigo
2005-12-20 21:08
John Walton, director for pixandvideo.com and DPfanatics.com signed an exclusive contract with Sophie Moone. The two would work on Sophie's only official homepage www.SweetSophieMoone.com, opening in January. The shootings have already started, so if there are any Sophie fans out there who would like to make some set suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the director via email at support[at]21sextury[dot]com!

Everybody be sure to check it out. I can tell you that it will be hot because I was very lucky to be invited to one of her shootings! I will definately join the new site myself as I am a huge fan.
by sbando
2005-12-20 07:26
No, fuck, it's not!

No trees, no ornaments, no decorations.

What you'll get from me is one big, heartfelt FUCK YOU.
To you, who've been screwing me up all year long, leeching life and energies from me, always disappointing me and letting me down and, finally, robbing me of my hard-earned money. Fuck you.

Of course, I still love Gergõ and Katy, Tigr, Barnabas and Gero. Merry Christmas to all of them! And to Steve too! We will meet one day, somewhere in the Cosmos or at a bar in Budapest. You're cool guys and girls and I'm loving Hungary more and more each day. Cool mates, a growing club scene, the best looking babes in the world. And Reni's birthday is getting closer, I did not forget. But what do you give to the girl who has everything?

Merry Xmas, Viv! You owe me one, remember?

Merry Xmas to all my Internet pals, the EBT geeks, the ADT girls and boys. A special mention to Delaware, Stemcell and Gapelover, who never get tired. Greetings to Ron, Hardware, Carioca, Scipio and all the other old school pals. Merry Xmas to Dex. And to Svenni, sorry to have let you down. Greetings to Ivan!


A big heartfel hug to Jeff. Kisses. And to Don. And to Peter, wherever you are now, Big Man.

To our cousins of EGAFD.

To Marketa, for the cutest letter ever.

Greetings to Petra of Model Mania, Shannon and the staff at Xonair and XonairCash. Rita. Smash's Stuart (Daft Punk is playing at my house!). All the great partners. All the partners I disappointed.

To all the photographers, models and webmasters who dropped me a line every now and then. Love to you.

Ciao, Gianfranco. Buon Natale. Hai visto che Viola? Mercoledì sera col Palermo! Mi si geleranno gli zebedei.

To Pierre, the only "star" that I've actually dreamt of meeting one day. By the way, you should speak with me more often.

Leechers copying our site: you'll rot in hell. You were born DUPED!

My heart is with you, Alex.

Happy Holidays to Mark and Steph.

Nop, Frigo, Bunny and David will post their own greetings if they want to.
by sbando
2005-12-20 07:09
Thank you to the gentlemen at PerfectGonzo for their lovely Xmas present. Thank you guys.

A nice and simple gesture that not many felt the need to imitate.
by sbando
2005-12-17 06:41

How does that sound?
Bidders must be aware of the sales that a site like this can generate in a year.

Btw, I'm not joking. The price is not exactly cheap. A good sale would allow me and my pals to start from scratch with a new project.

If no one's interested, I won't have a cow.
by Nop
2005-12-15 17:58
Just off the press: a new site of porn world news in French language:


Longue vie à eux!
by GRRRRRunny
2005-12-15 05:27
the top five for "I get so much spam..." (thanks to EBI/DEX, copyright bunny)

5) ...when I get a real message, I cannot read it anyway because it scrolls down faster than I can click on it

4) ...all my friends live in remote african countries and occupy key positions in the government, oil industries or have rich families but never contact me again after I send them some money

3) ...I had to upgrade my computer and my ADSL connection to be able to read my mail when I come home

2) ...Outlook no longer beeps everytime I got a new email, now it sounds like I'm in a hardcore techno party and I've had too much ecstasy

1) ...I look at my cheap rolex to see how long it will take for my puny penis to get one feeble erection to be revived by the viagra pills I ordered online with my brand new cheap software from microsoft who will soon merge with IBM and celebrate it by sending me a free polo t-shirt if I forward this email to at least 10 persons I know before the CIA indicts me for visiting illegal websites featuring paris hilton and nicole richie.

NOP and I have sysadmin backgrounds, it makes it even harder to hear pathetic lame excuses from incompetent/lazy guys who dont give a fuck! WE KNOW YOU RE JUST TOO FULL OF IT TO CARE!
by Whirlwind Bunni
2005-12-12 06:00
Ahoj Kluci! Well. My life's a whirlwind. Many things are in the making. Steve-o, if you read this you'll know what this one's about. Katka, I can't wait to meet you at chow time :0) Terezko, you don't speak english but I wanna say I'm eager to see you again soon. Dudes, prepare for what's coming, even I feel totally helpless in front of it... good or bad, it's coming.

In the meantime, instead of reading crappy delusions, enjoy this pic of Nature's masterpiece, namely Zuzana.
by sbando
2005-12-08 04:54

You want info removed from your page? You want YOUR PAGE removed from our site?
Just drop us a line, and we'll be happy to comply.
You don't need to call your fucking lawyer!!

Read my lips:
all info that we print is avaible on the Internet so, even if we remove a page, users we'll still be able to retrieve that same information from Google.
We don't print personal info, we don't steal information from sites or from insiders.
If a photographer or a producer uses or has used YOUR REAL NAME for his site/dvd, complain to HIM/HER!
But if you want something removed JUST TELL US!

"Hello Sbando, I'm X. I'm moving on with my life, can you please nuke my page?"
"Yes. Done"
by ThE eXoRcIsM Of SbanDo BOy
2005-12-05 04:50
"Here she is, the newest DDF star, CHERRY JUL! This Russian is a cross between Sophie Moone and Anna Kournikova."

Damn, that's one bold statement.
Btw, Sophie still belongs to a different category and Cherry is prettier than Anna!

Anyway, our Yulia is the new DDF star! We already knew about it but couldn't talk. We're not very good reporters. But we're some motherfucking gentlemen!


Meet Santa's new Interns 2005-12-31 08:54

Ho Ho Ho... Santa's new interns, Sophie Paris and Jana have been a little too naughty this year, and ...

No, seriously 2005-12-31 00:29

Happy birthday to Lenka, she who can make any man (or rabbit) dumb(er). ...

The new love 2005-12-30 20:07

Our friend (and spy) Gapelover

Stastne narozeninam LENICKO!!! 2005-12-30 04:02

Happy Birthday to my lovely, beautiful Lenka! A quarter of a century later, the blonde wonder still ...

Dp fans only 2005-12-29 01:53

DPFANATICS has been added to EBI! Simony, Angel Dark, Eva Black. The best o' them. ...

No no no you must be mistaking me for someone else, Sir! 2005-12-27 06:10

LAST QUIZZ OF THE YEAR, pornhounds: Which petite czech porn-babe with extremely large funbags has an ...

Cm'on, a last one for the road... 2005-12-25 15:33

Don't you hate it when you learn that your favourite Eurobabe is retiring from Hardcore? That's ...

Maya quits 2005-12-23 19:18

As reported by gergõ, Maya Gold, one of our original babes, is quitting the business. Read the ...

The EBI's Facts And Figures 2005-12-23 01:47

-2: the countdown to Reni's birthday. 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds: the countdown to ...

xmas babe 2005-12-22 03:58

Guys, your season greetings are nicely worded but lack a little bit of color. As I am rather of the ...

My friend Alzheimer 2005-12-21 19:35

Some people were not mentioned FOR A REASON. But I forgot: Merry Xmas e Buone Feste to Ale, Carlo & ...

*my* xmas greetz 2005-12-21 04:52

YAY! Uh... UH..*tap* *tap* Is this thing on? Uh, I wanna say Merry Xmas to Sbando, the wittiest wet ...

Sophie is cumming... 2005-12-20 21:08

John Walton, director for pixandvideo.com and DPfanatics.com signed an exclusive contract with Sophie ...

'Tis the season to be jolly. Or is it really? 2005-12-20 07:26

No, fuck, it's not! No trees, no ornaments, no decorations. What you'll get from me is one big, ...

It's that Season of the year again 2005-12-20 07:09

Thank you to the gentlemen at PerfectGonzo for their lovely Xmas present. Thank you guys. A nice and ...

HOT CAKES 2005-12-17 06:41

THIS SITE'S FOR SALE! How does that sound? Bidders must be aware of the sales that a site like this ...

The Seven Sense 2005-12-15 17:58

Just off the press: a new site of porn world news in French language: thesevensense.com Longue vie ...

I VE HAD IT! 2005-12-15 05:27

the top five for "I get so much spam..." (thanks to EBI/DEX, copyright bunny) 5) ...when I get a real ...

The shape of things to come 2005-12-12 06:00

Ahoj Kluci! Well. My life's a whirlwind. Many things are in the making. Steve-o, if you read this ...

The letter 2005-12-08 04:54

HEY, MODELS! You want info removed from your page? You want YOUR PAGE removed from our site? Just ...

Diva Search 2005-12-05 04:50

"Here she is, the newest DDF star, CHERRY JUL! This Russian is a cross between Sophie Moone and Anna ...


Jennifer Stone

Sophie Moone

Sophie Paris

Veronica da Souza