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by Sbando
2004-02-16 20:00
Ok. It's just a Sbando interview. Don't sue me. Bryan is such a nice guy. Enjoy his witty answers and his snappy banter.

Ok, folks, this is Bryan. He's a very young and highly talented director and, as you all know, he works for DVSX. He's the man responsible for the smash-hit series A.N.A.L., TRULY NICE ASS, TOTAL BABE & TRULY NICE TITS.

QUESTION: 1) How is the life of the Young & Talented?

BRYAN: I haven't seen that series ;) but if you're asking me what it's like doing my job, I'd have to say that it's fun and rewarding, and also annoying and taxing. Overall, I like it because it's a job that lets me be creative and allows me to travel- two things I've always enjoyed.

Q.: 2) You've worked with both Czech and Hungarian talent. Did you find the girls to be professional?

B.: It mostly depends on the girl. Most of the girls I shoot there are very new or relatively new to the business, so they usually haven't had much time to develop into professionals. Some of the girls learn very quickly, however.

Q.: 3) And how was it, production-wise? Any problems?

B.: Problems are a fact of production. If one can accept that fact, adapt to diversity and work through the problems that arise, one stands a much better chance of success. That is something I learned early on and I think it's a key factor as to why my shooting trips have been successful.

Q.: 4) Choose an Eastern European superstar in the making. Who would that be? Lucy Lee? Do you have a favorite?

B.: I remember shooting Lucy Lee. She was friendly and kind of quiet and reserved. She did a solid scene for the premiere edition of A.N.A.L. (Ass Now Ass Later). I think Cindy Lords, who will be in volume 3 of Total Babe, could be a superstar. She's stunningly beautiful and performs with intensity.

Q.: 5) If I remember correctly, you design your own covers, right?

B.: I used to be a graphic designer before I got into directing and producing. I've designed most of the box covers for my movies, but as more of my time is going into production, I won't be doing them 'hands-on' as often, but I'll still be inputting picture choices and ideas.

Q.: 6) Euro future projects? C'mon, give us a scoop :)

B.: I don't like to talk about projects I've yet to complete, but I'll be shooting some more Euro babes real soon ;)

Q.: 7) Do you work at DVSX because all the chicks there are hot?

B.: Of course. Can you blame me? Seriously though, Alex Ladd brought me in from the beginning and he knows a lot about production. Javier C. is a smart businessman and integral to the strong foundation DVSX is built on. I'm proud of DVSX for what it has accomplished in such a short period of time and I'll keep doing my best to contribute to its success by making good products.

(Well... We had our scoop, after all. Cindy Lords will be in the next Total Babe! You read it here first, folks.)

by Sbando
2004-02-02 21:00
Did you know that "mili" means "lovely"? Pretty accurate for Pavlina, aka Mili Jay, don't you think? She's one of industry's best kept secrets.
She's so... Listen to Patrixxx's tale:
"Paulina is a fine young girl who was once booked by Franco Roccaforte to do a sex scene... This was going to be her second scene ever and she was very nervous... I started taking some photos but she changed her mind about doing the scene after seeing Franco's large unit! So in the end all I have is those pictures that were never used for anything! She is a sweetheart indeed and I hope I can fuck her one day"

Poor sweetie! But that's nothing compared to Steve Dream Stash's little story:
"A little problem occurred. She is a very petite girl and it was tough to get inside her. When it came time to do the HC shoot we ended up having to work at it to get some to the penetration shots. After a couple minutes we got the the ride to start going smoothly. Everything was OK and then it came time for the video shoot. We tried to start filming and then she insisted on making a phone call. She got the guy on the phone that hooked me up with her and started speaking in Czech. She handed me the phone and the guy told me, "Pavlina can’t go on with the video shoot. She said that her pussy is on fire". These were his exact words! I thought it was pretty funny. She agreed to a BJ video and said we could continue the sex shoot another time."

So, enjoy this fine sample from Dream Stash and this clip that I stole for you.


The Playboy™ Bryan Xin interview! 2004-02-16 20:00

Ok. It's just a Sbando interview. Don't sue me. Bryan is such a nice guy. Enjoy his witty answers and ...

Mili Pavlina 2004-02-02 21:00

Did you know that "mili" means "lovely"? Pretty accurate for Pavlina, aka Mili Jay, don't you think? ...


Mili Jay