October 1993 - HOT VIDEO #47.
On the cover: "A GAGNER: une semaine à Bali pour assister à un tournage
- Pages 98 to 105: "THE PINK LAGOON".
A backstage report on the latest and sadly last films of Michel Ricaud
with some nice photos of beloved Karina and Laura Catwoman
and where we learn that a certain Mr. Pierre Woodman was not only
a photographer but also production manager and "casting-man" for
swedish future mega giant company Private.
- Pages 106 and 107: "COMPETITION".
The happy winner of the following quiz will go to Bali and
stay one week on the location of the next Private mega-production:
Q1: Private usually works with actresses of nationality:
A - French
B - Russian
C - Swedish
Q2: Bali island is under which latitude:
A - Equator
B - Cancer Tropic
C - Capricorn Tropic
Q3: The main income of Bali island is:
A - Tea
B - Rice
C - Tourism
Next is a photo of the charming cast entouring the mysterious
future winner:
Ysana - April Summer - Eve
Natacha - ? - Stasha
Linda - Irene - Lolita
December 1993 - HOT VIDEO #49.
- Pages 138 to 141: And the winner is...
We follow happy Hot Vidéo reader and quiz winner Marc in a photo report
on his vacations in Bali from the beaches of Denpasar to Ubud jungle!
(Several photos of Marc: with local actresses Mam and Ann,
kissed by Barbara Doll next to Irina, hugging with beautiful Natacha,
witnessing the same Natacha giving head to a young David Perry...)
However a last paragraph in a red frame informs us that
for security reasons, Marc had to leave Private crew
and spent the last days of the trip in his comfortable hotel.
- Pages 142 to 145: "Pierrot le dingue".
Intro (extracts):
"A controversial figure in the X business, Pierre Woodman
doesn't leave anybody indifferent: either hate him or love him..."
(brief history: come to Paris, meet Michel Ricaud and Brigitte Lahaie,
TF1 set photographer, Madonna photo scoop, Hot Vidéo magazine launch)
"... define himself as a self conscious madman"
"After filming on the top of Mont Blanc and in the Seychelles,
he was shooting hardcore in Bali where porn is outlaw thus
risking 20 years of jail or even death penalty"
Interview (extracts):
"One day Berth told me: there is Javier Sanchez in Barcelona doing
advertising, you in Paris doing hardcore photos and me in Stockholm
doing finance, so we are like the three fingers in a hand"
Pierre defines his work:
"- no trick, real fuck
- always news girls not seen elsewhere
- all girls do anal"
"I want to become the number one porn photographer"
"When I shoot hardcore on a grave in the Père Lachaise, I admit
it's provocative but porn will die if it doesn't renew itself"
(He is referring to the famous "merry widow" pictorial with
Debbie van Gils published in Private #114).
"Bali is a very corrupted muslim country where you can bribe
the police so in this conditions I consider that it's safer
to shoot hardcore there than in Italy".
"The second day my cameraman and I were arrested in our hotel.
They told us 'you broke the law' and tried to intimidate us.
They went back to the hotel and search everything but didn't
find the tapes we had hidden".
"I played a poker game: I offered $5000 to get us free and
another $5000 after we have left the country with our material.
He was livid. He made himself understood that it was $10000 now
or a trial and $20000 caution for each crew member. I payed".
"The Police chief showed me a fax from Interpol telling them
about our arrival and what were our activities. I asked why:
This island is a tropical paradise and international opinion
wants it to stay like this".
January 1994 - HOT VIDEO #50.
Cover: Natacha dressed like a James Bond girl (leather suit, gun).
- Pages 56 to 79 (an extensive HV reporter's diary):
# Intro: "The day where the dream turned into a nightmare"
A double page photo of Pierre at gun point from a balinese policeman (the photo looks like paparazzi's, blurred, taken from distance).
Bali: a buddhist island in the heart of a 80% muslim republic,
a paradisiac site for vacations but not so much for an open porn flick
# Sunday October 17: "the arrival".
HV reporters and the rest of technical crew arrive in Denpasar
and head to Ubud in the middle of the balinese forest.
They stay in the "Sayan Terrace" and "Aman Bebeck" hotels.
this to get an idea)
PW has been there for two weeks already, shooting only photos.
(probably the following pictorials:
- April Summer in Private #122
- Irina in Pirate #37
- Kim BSG in Pirate #26
- Kim BSG in Triple X 2
- Linda and Julie in Sex #12
- Lolita and Barbara Doll in Pirate #24
- Mame Young in Pirate #25
- Mame Young in Pirate #26
- Mame Young in Private #122
- Su Ann in Private #122)
Some part of the equipment has been kept by customs officers.
# Monday October 18: "Let's the show begin"
The two Thai actresses refuse to shoot a lesbian scene
in a temple for religious reasons. Pierre split the scene in two:
the comedy acting in the temple and the sex in a neutral room.
# Tuesday October 19: "The police shows up"
David is heating up for his scene with Natacha. He begins to
caress the beautiful blonde. She gets an orgasm after a few seconds.
Pierre to David: "Take it easy, she can have an orgasms burst!"
(Natacha is a doll who comes as soon as you touch her)
The scene begins: Natacha is wearing only
a white bra.
Pierre asks Natacha to fake pleasure for a close-up.
Natacha replies: "Let him fuck me for real and you will see
that I look good into your camera"
Suddenly, an indonesian assistant runs in and talks to Pierre.
"The cops!", all the crew clean up and hurry up to the hotel (coïtus interruptus),
Pierre and his cameraman are arrested. More bad news from
the customs: they want a $30000 guarantee for freeing up
the lighting equipment!
# Wednesday October 20: "Under police surveillance"
Pierre is back, they can continue to shoot but only indoors.
They do a DP scene with Linda. Everybody is tensed and
Pierre is not satisfied with the result: they will redo it
the next day.
A comedy scene is shot next: Natacha is surprised by Philippe.
When Philippe says his line, "Baisse ton arme ou je te butte, salope"
Natacha is supposed to put down her gun but she didn't execute.
Explanation from the blonde: "But he didn't say salope!" (which is one of the only french words she understands!),
# Thursday October 21: "Acute paranoia"
Pierre is a bit down: "I cannot shoot the second film (Club Private)
because I must stay indoors and I will have to add some comedy scenes".
He imagines a plan to leave the country: take a bus then a train
to Djakarta and a boat to Singapore before flying back to Europe.
"One thing is certain: I will finish this movie and handcarry it
myself to deposit it on Milton's desk. I don't know how yet but I will
# Friday October 22: "Risk and provocation"
Scene with Lolita and Barbara Doll.
Pierre "prepares" himself the actresses. He explains:
"Anal is Private speciality. Because the actresses are between 18 and
20, it's often their first experience. My preparation is double,
first hygienic for the comfort of the actors..."
(scoop: Pierre details his famous "secret" method)
"... then I use a special technique inherited from my grandfather,
I put two nerves in contact: one in the anus and one in the clitoris
inducing a violent orgasm for the girl. I am 100% successful. What I
like is the look in the eyes of the girl just after: she doesn't
understand what happened to her"
# Saturday October 23: "Calm down"
Alberto Rey panicked: he left immediately back to Belgium.
Pierre shot three scenes this day: one with April Summer, another
with Julie and the "rape" scene with Natacha:
The blonde is wearing white lingerie and is
handcuffed. She seems
really aroused. As soon as she is untied, she rushes onto the males
for a hot scene ending up with a DP.
# Sunday October 24: "So long Bali!"
The crew witnesses an outdoor cremation ceremony next to their hotel.
In the afternoon, a last scene is shot: an orgy with Linda and Kim.
Souvenir photography:
Natacha, Mame Young, Barbara Doll, Linda, Pierre and Lolita.
Cast index:
Mame Young, Natacha, Lolita, Barbara Doll, Linda, Su Ann, Kim BSG,
April Summer, Julie, Gyonty, Philippe Soine, David Lecogneur,
Alain Deloin, Franky Versace, Alberto Rey, Marc, Jack.
Projected release date:
Part I, February 1994 (!) and Part II, April 1994.
- Pages 80 and 81: "Some caviar in the casting - The Trade Of the Russians",
Interviews with Lena (russian translator), Natacha and Linda.
Lena about the russian mafias: "They are two mafias: the criminal
one and the communist one. They control most of the model agencies"
Natacha, 19 years old (!), spent her childhood in East Germany
where her father was an army officer. She has a real passion for sex.
She would like to start a career in porn.
Linda, 20 years old, plans to go back to softcore but doesn't regret
having done some hardcore: "Western men are so much better than
Russians. At home, they fall asleep just after sex, it's a bit sad."
- Page 122: "European starlets american dream".
Another interview with Natacha who explains she is a Private contract
girl but would like to take her chance in America.
Conclusion (and a lot of pending questions...)
From february to september 1994, not a single line about
"Bali Connection" in Hot Vidéo!
October 1994 - HOT VIDEO #58
- Pages 132 to 135: "Berth Milton: high speed success".
History of Private.
Berth Milton jr. took over when Private#100 was issued.
7th richest man in Sweden.
Photos of Berth with his Ferrari, his bike, his horse...
- Pages 136 to 141: "De la police... au cul, Pierrot le dingue" (from police... to porn, Pierrot the madman).
Double page photo of Pierre with his face painted in blue and
stuffing dynamite sticks in the ass of a model (quiz: guess who? This photo can also be seen on the back cover of Casting X tapes).
A biography of Pierre Woodman:
1963 born in the region of Auvergne (center of France)
1976 stole a porn booklet in a sexshop (at 13!)
1981 come to Paris, meet actor Stanislas Piotr then Michel Ricaud
1983 police officer, meet Coluche (famous french comic artist)
1986 TV set photographer for TF1
1988 fashion photographer (Marie Claire, Aujourd'hui Madame...)
1989 photo-reporter for Hot Video which has just been launched
1990 meet the Milton (senior and junior) for a HV report
1991 castings for Michel Ricaud (Deborah Wells, Ildiko...)
1992 exclusive contract with Private
"Berth Jr was looking for someone to relook his ageing magazine.
Pierre found a producer to finance his wildest dreams."
"His latest production in Bali got him some problems with the
authorities and a forced stay to think about it (jail?). Just
after that, he went back to Bali to shoot again some scenes" (they don't want or couldn't explain what happened exactly).
- Pages 142 and 143: "Mes plus beaux coups" (My best strokes).
For Private, he has made 472 sets with 389 girls (that's a huge number in only 4 years!).
Small profiles (6 lines) for 13 girls:
Laura Catwoman - 20 - Russian - "A true fountain woman"
Sylvia - 18 - Hungarian - "I met her in a party in Budapest"
Lolita - 20 - Russian - "One of my best souvenirs"
April Summer - 23 - Dutch - "Dutch Penthouse pet of the year 92"
Silver Forrest - 24 - Dutch - "Introduced to me by Zara Whites"
Betty Gabor - 18 - Hungarian - "My favorite"
Karina - 19 - Russian - "A true virgin"
Anita Lakatos - 18 - Hungarian - "Budapest model" (aka Annabelle)
Florence - 19 - French - "Ex call girl for Madame Claude"
Tanya - 18 - Russian - "My future star"
Nina - 20 - Russian - "Playmate in Germany"
Mam Yong - 21 - Thai - "Miss Pattaya 93"
(Natacha is not listed!)
To conclude, some facts:
- "Bali Connection" was renamed "Golden Triangle"
- "Golden Triangle" was NEVER released in France
(I endured months of suffering waiting for it)
- "Golden Triangle" was released at the end of 1994
(by Jean-Pierre Bouchet!)
- no more news of Private first contract girl Natacha
(damn, she would have crushed all competition!)
- "Golden Triangle" is no more listed in Private shop
(Big Brother is watching us!)
- "Golden Triangle" will be probably never released on DVD
... and some questions:
- How many scenes or pictorials have been lost or removed?
- Who is Jean-Pierre Bouchet?
- Was Natacha really underaged? What about her casting?
- Did Pierre really go to jail? How long?
- Are there several editions of "Golden Triangle"?
- Which actresses did go for the second trip?
(Rebecca Lord, Sidonie Lamour, ...)
Note: This whole chronicle is essentially a Hot Vidéo mag content rip off,
abridged and badly translated!
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