HIV in russia!!

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Postby Billbo on Thu Sep 04, 2008 11:09 pm

Here's something for contrast:

in the west, one gets tested for HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, chlamidya, and a host of other diseases before anyone even gets on the set. A battery of tests costs like that may well cost 500 euros, but no one is going to get anything nasty or lethal, either.

There are at least 48 STDs running loose right now and several of them can kill a person or be debilitating. The viral ones have no cures. The only way to deal with them is prevention.

It may come kicking and screaming, but the porn industry in central and eastern Europe is going to have to come to terms with protecting their performers.

Ironically enough, in Western Europe and the U.S., its safer being a pornstar than "playing the field" like most women do. NOT the case in Russia, for sure.
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Postby paroxysmia on Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:07 am

OneWhoKnows wrote:Like I said before, the porn scene in Piter finally has to become more professional, which obviously still isn't the case, as Maggie's example of a "Standart talk with the agent" clearly shows. People like TeenCore seem to be the proof that it's actually possible.

Me too...
I hope this poor Payton was well-tested before her gagging scene... and the guy too ! :roll: :D

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Postby ze_dude33 on Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:45 am


Study reveals link between Apobec3 gene and neutralizing antibody response to retrovirus :
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Postby dap-addict on Fri Sep 05, 2008 9:25 am

spanish__ wrote:Will it affect central Europe porn? I mean, some guys work with russian girls but also with czechs and hungarians

Joachim Kessef basically migrates between Prague and St. Peterburg. Roccos crew between Budapest and St. Peterburg. But I am not sure they shot anything since June there. All I hope is none of them got infected!! And the same for all local talent of course, but here I`d be pessimistic. :(

Another effect on Central European porn might be the fact that this too long hidden away Russian crisis will actually help Prague and Budapest to rise from their knees again. Frightened porn producers bringing in their own studs to Russia instead of relaying on badly tested (or even untested) local ones will be prepared to pay a bit more for secure shootings. I also expect Budapest and Prague based agents and producers to try to channel some Russian talent into Central Europe for porn jobs finally.
As the vast and popular Russian talent pool proofes to be health-threatening under Russian production conditions, the biz will find ways to present the customer the same in a way not threatening the whole porn biz.
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Postby ze_dude33 on Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:16 pm

DAMN,How is it possible to support and watch porn like that ? IT's A SHAME ! :evil:

Juliana Grandi (Karmen) wrote:yes one europe guy was worked with her!! i think its not ice publish name!! but i called to company that i know for this story already 2-3 ago

"I hope this guy knows all about it,and shit again,AIDS is not a joke,Juliana i don't think it's fair to give the name of this guy,i'm not sure it's the best way,i hope that guy will go to the hospital...."

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Postby joachim kessef on Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:19 pm

thanks to ask about i know that sad story for now all people around that sad story were tested and their hiv result is negatif i know how it scary and sad that new specially that poor girl who caught that desease i though is too early to make a conclusion or blame somebody what i can say is everybody have to wait before to make big panic for now only one girl is hace that desease so we need time before to found out who is guilty
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Postby ze_dude33 on Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:31 pm

WOW FORTUNATELY JOACHIM IS FREE FROM THIS SHIT !!! Prends TRÈS soin de toi mon ami mais je pense que tu as l'intelligence nécessaire pour !
At least i know people like Christoph Clark who take care very much about the health of their actors,but Russia doesn't really seem to be the best place to shoot porn,conditions seem hard there but i hope it's only an exception ! :?
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Postby dap-addict on Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:40 pm

joachim kessef wrote:so we need time before to found out who is guilty

I think it`s easy to say that the companies not testing their girls (and studs) properly. i.e. in the way Juliana Grandi described and not takeing a break in shooting after clear warnings are guilty. That doesnt need a lot of time to find out! But I am glad you are negativ, Joachim! :)
And I hope all others working in St. Peterburg turn out to be negative, too!
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Postby LubaLove on Fri Sep 05, 2008 1:53 pm

Horrible =(( NEW Luba Love Personal Site..... and - absolutely new - Luba Love Blog (en)!!!!
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:42 pm

but my dear friend Joachim!! what test you did??!!
becouse my EX friend also did test but IFA test - and its ngative - but problem that IFA take 3 month MINIMUM
hey!! if you care about your ass - do PCR - and sleep well.....
i was wait 1 week for result of this test - was crazy about - but now i can DONT WORRY - becouse i am NEGATIVE of PCR and IFA (did both) tests
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Postby ze_dude33 on Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:46 pm

"Les gens vont bosser la bas,juste parce que les filles acceptent n'importe quoi et peu d'argent,c'est une honte et vous êtes fautifs.
Pouvez vous vous regarder ? Comment vous faites pour vous raser ?

Je serais tellement triste si le sida arrivait à un pro ou bien même à quelqu'un que je ne connais pas,je ne citerai pas de noms,ceci dit je teste les filles parce que j'ai été acteur également,je ne veux pas voir une fille baiser avec avec un acteur si moi même je ne voudrais pas le faire,de plus je n'accepte que les tests de 2 semaines car 1 mois c'est beaucoup trop ,pour les clamedia etc...

Enfin chacun voit midi à sa porte,mais question respect,beaucoup ont du soucis à se faire et je plains toutes ces pauvres actrices russes,c'est une vraie honte !"

Christoph Clark,
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Postby Juliana Grandi (Karmen) on Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:48 pm

if you can translate - could be great
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Postby Keni Styles on Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:06 pm

This is terrible.

My thoughts are for the girl, I hope she is getting the correct support at this moment.

PCR DNA testing should be the industry wide minimum testing standard. Models should also always opt to give swabs so that the samples can be taken for cultures to be extra safe but that is not usually the case for many.

Also we should have a centralized database for the adult industry here in Europe. Or at least accessible databases in each of the main countries. Then we can work confidently, knowing that the testing centers are regulated and the important communications can be passed around immediately.

Of course this will not make anyone immune to the risks of our job but it will make the communication and information sharing almost instant so that we can react accordingly to outbreaks and high risk situations.

The problem here is unity. We don't have any unity in the business here in Europe. If it became industry standard to only be tested in certified databased clinics and all performers, directors and agents stuck together to enforce this then we would be in a much safer place.

Also if no performer could work without certificates from outside clinic's then the increased traffic would mean batch testing and hence lower testing costs too.

The most annoying thing is that this would be so easy to do and yet it hasn't happened. The Americans have got it right with AIM but we seem so far behind them.

Dillon Day is trying his best to do something about this with his 'Safety 1st Laboratory' in Prague. The lab is modern, clean, accessible and has PCR DNA testing facilities. All the results are accessible online.

How difficult would it be for performers, agents and directors to have some unity when it comes to 'OUR' health?
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Postby paroxysmia on Fri Sep 05, 2008 4:48 pm

Juliana Grandi (Karmen) wrote:if you can translate - could be great

"People work there, only because the girls accept anything and little money, it is a shame and you are at fault.
Can you look at yourself ?

I would be so sad if AIDS infected a professional or even someone I do not know; I do not name somebody, anyway I test the girls because I was an actor as well, I do not want to see a girl fuck with an actor while myself I would not do it, the more I accept is 2-week tests since 1-month is too much for Chlamydia infection etc...

Finally everyone has only his own interests, but about respect, many concerned people have to learn and I pity all those poor Russian actresses, that is a real shame!"
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Postby cleopatrox on Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:09 pm

I can not understand, why nobody call the name of this girl? Where is quarantine list?

Remember HIV crisis in USA in 2004! AIM called the names of infected performers and made the quarantine lists. It saved many performers. The worst thing - to be silent, because every guy (not only in Russia), who worked with this girl could get infection and spread it further.

It is very important to know, when every performer on the quarantine list retested negativ or unfortunately positiv.

You need stop all shoots and to find out, who is patient ZERO. Maybe someone in industry infected this girl and someone else!

The first step is stop the spreading of infection!
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