by Am0rIn0 on Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:48 am
the problem is not that it is faked. porn is a lot about fantasy for sure and 99% of porn stories are staged. the problem is that he gets very aggressive against people who have balls and tell their critical opinion, offends them and throws shit on them. seems it is a major human flaw that systems or persons who became too powerful get corrupted by it and create their own totalitarian reality. but also hunt for people who have a different opinion to push them down, censor them or even make them silent. the most recent example is soli, if i imagine that they have been partners and friends for 15 years! and now are enemies within month who discredit each other is just because soli doesnt fit into his reality anymore. if he would just be cool, ignore his critics and would let everybody believe what they wants - what would be the best strategy - such debates wouldnt even start. so nothing more to tell, i am also really tired about these endless debates, everybody can believe what he wants as long he is happy with it but shall not judge or offend others for his different opinion.